Guide to Buying HEMA Gear

About HEMA Gear

As you progress in your training and want to participate in more advanced exercises, you'll be required to obtain the appropriate protective equipment. This guide is designed to help you understand the best order in which you should purchase your gear, along with a list of suggested vendors.

We understand that obtaining gear can be an expensive and lengthy process. Students will often take a year or more to fully acquire a full “tournament ready” kit.

Always talk to your instructors before purchasing a practice weapon.

About Gear Requirements

Some of our classes require fencing equipment to participate. 

Classes range in gear requirements from:

Refer to the Course Catalog for more information about what gear you need for specific classes. If you have any questions about gear for a particular class check with your instructors.

Gotham Swords Uniform

Once you begin to frequently attend class you will be expected to procure a uniform and some basic training equipment:

No Gear

Only comfortable athletic clothing and shoes required!

Minimal Gear

HEMA Fencing Mask

Practice Weapons

Always talk to your instructors before purchasing a practice weapon.

Full Kit

Additional Body Protection