Gotham Swords (also known as GEMAC) is committed to creating a safe, respectful, and inclusive environment to enjoy the many facets of training martial arts. This Code of Conduct applies to everyone at practice sessions, events, meetups, workshops, and participants in our social media channels. Students, Instructors, Board Members, Staff, Attendees, Exhibitors, Sponsors, Associates, Guests, and Press will be held to the same standards.
Prohibited behavior includes, but is not limited to:
Harassment; unwanted advances, intimidation, coercion, stalking, inappropriate physical contact, unwelcomed sexual attention or other verbal or physical conduct of a discriminatory nature.
Hateful or Threatening Conduct; non-consensual degrading or hostile language; logos, symbols, or images whose purpose is to promote hostility, malice, or divisiveness.
Sustained disruption of events.
Reckless/unsafe activities, inappropriate levels of force, intentionally causing harm.
Unauthorized use or appropriation of GEMAC resources, name, brand, and/or services.
What to do:
If you are asked to stop any harassing behavior, STOP immediately. Seriously.
If you experience or witness any form of harassment, please contact the nearest Instructor and they will address the situation.
To file a formal complaint, e-mail All complaints will be investigated and discussed by the board - please provide detailed information and your contact information.
If you feel unsafe in your immediate situation, alert an instructor, move to a safe location and dial 911.
Gotham Swords leadership has sole discretion in determining what constitutes violations under this policy and reserves the right to take immediate action. This includes verbal warnings, expulsion from Gotham Swords events (with no refund), and refusal of admission to future Gotham Swords activities.
TL;DR — Be excellent to each other; party on dudes.
Notes on Etiquette
Part of studying a Martial Art is learning to cooperatively train:
Losing yourself and allowing your training partner to
benefit from training with you.
Remember that each drill has an assigned Mentor and Scholar:
As Mentor your practice is to help the Scholar in their training by performing the correct action(s) with the proper amount of commitment and resistance.
As Scholar, do your best to follow the given instructions for practicing the assigned technique.
If you know the technique being studied and you are working with someone who does not: lead them through it, but do not assume the role of the instructor.
You are here to practice; do not force your ideas on others. At the same time, respect those more experienced.
Always train within the ability of your partner.
Do not practice to "win" or injure your partner. You are both responsible for each other.
Please be aware at all times of those around you, train to develop awareness in all directions.
If you need a brief break or to leave the floor, do not do so before notifying the instructor.
Have fun, stay alert, learn something cool,
be respectful and patient with each other.